What 1 Thing Did Jillian Michaels Criticize About Wendy Williams' Diet?

Publish date: 2021-08-17

Personal trainer and former coach on NBC’s The Biggest Loser Jillian Michaels recently sparked controversy with her comments about Lizzo and fat positivity. 

But Lizzo isn’t the only celeb Michaels has criticized lately. Michaels appeared on Wendy Williams’ Jan. 7 show to promote her new fitness app. Along the way, she told Williams she’s not a fan of the talk show host’s personal approach to weight loss. 

Michaels told Williams she didn’t believe in diets like keto or intermittent fasting

In her appearance on The Wendy Williams Show, Michaels delved into her dislike for diets she considers “extreme.” The fitness expert has spoken out in the past about diets like keto, Atkins, intermittent fasting, and even veganism, for example. 

So when Williams asked Michaels for her best tips for a healthy new year, the trainer responded, “Honestly, common sense. It’s become so controversial. I have literally gotten in trouble and been on the Google headlines for saying like, ‘Hey, keto, not so healthy. Hey, vegan, not so healthy.’ Like, both extremes. Or you know what, these cleanses. Not a great idea. Just eat less!” 

But Williams cut in to share that she had a little fasting secret of her own. “I fast, like, twice a week,” she confessed.

“When you say fast, what do you mean by that, though?” Michaels pressed.

“Just water,” Williams replied.

“For two days?!” Michaels asked incredulously.

“Not in a row. Are you out of your mind?” Williams asked.

“Are you?” Michaels quipped back.

The two women bantered a bit about the value (or not) of fasting 

Williams clarified that she didn’t exactly take in zero nutrients on her fasting days. “Water and a green juice and a power juice in the morning, that’s it,” she explained. “But then the other days I eat what I want.”

But Michaels stuck to her usual nutrition and fitness mantra: It’s all about moderation and regular, routine discipline. “But see, I’d rather you not be like, ‘I eat what I want.’ I’d rather you just keep it kinda balanced all week,” she told Williams.

Williams wasn’t buying it. She stayed stone-faced and jokingly responded simply: “No.” 

Michaels also made controversial comments about fat positivity

Echoing her comments about Lizzo on BuzzFeed’s AM to DM, Michaels also expressed her concerns about the body-positive and fat-positive movements on The Wendy Williams Show. 

“So I was reading the article,” Williams asked Michaels about her recent cover story in Women’s Health Magazine, “and inside you were talking about people not…well, you were talking about people celebrating being obese.” 

“I just find that our world is so polarized, and like, you know, there was so much fat shaming for such a long time, that now the pendulum has swung to a place where it’s like, ‘You are 250 pounds and you’re ownin’ it, and I’m like, no, no, no,” Michaels explained.

She continued, “When you start to celebrate that, it’s not about shaming, it’s not about excluding anyone, but we also don’t wanna cosign cancer, heart disease, diabetes. This is a no. So we don’t exclude anyone, we don’t judge anyone, but we also don’t celebrate.”

Michaels said she could personally relate because of her own history with food. “And I say this because I was an overweight kid,” she told Williams. “I used food as a coping mechanism…I understand it.”
