Mr. Tempo Expands His Restaurant Empire With King and Queen Cantina

Publish date: 2022-08-03


The restaurant industry is a challenging and competitive field, where success is often hard-earned and not easily achieved. For some, the path to success is swift, while for others, it may take many years of perseverance. But one thing is certain, the ultimate goal is to succeed no matter how long it takes. Jorge Cueva, commonly known as Mr. Tempo, is a restaurateur and an inspirational figure in the Latin community who embodies this determination and resilience. His massive social media following is only a hint of how much of an impact he has as he fulfills his mission of serving a fusion of cuisines at King and Queen Cantina, which has locations in Hollywood and L.A., among others.

Typically, society has shaped us to believe that it is only through conventional education that we can succeed in life. However, this was not the case for Mr. Tempo. At 18, he had no conventional education, and expressing himself in English was a problem. Armed with resilience and determination to make it in life against all odds, Mr. Tempo rolled up his sleeves and worked at jobs like washing dishes and cleaning bathrooms. Today, his hard work has paid off, and he is the successful owner of several restaurants that started from scratch.
