Morgan Freeman Sucks Down Helium on The Tonight Show, Talks Beekeeping

Publish date: 2020-06-22

Morgan Freeman is back on Helium.

A few months after first sucking down this gas and talking all silly in an ad for Through the Wormhole, Freeman stopped by The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon on Thursday.

"I really shouldn’t be doing this," Freeman joked. "It’s very undignified!"

And if you think Freeman on Helium sounds weird, just wait until you hear about the 77-year old star’s new hobby.

He just started beekeeping.


"They are out of their own environment and they don’t know where the food is," the actor said. "So, I have to feed them regularly. I feed them sugar and water…and what I’ve discovered is that I don’t have to put on the bee suit or anything to feed them."

Darn. That’s too bad. Who wouldn’t love to see Morgan Freeman in a beesuit?!?

Freeman believes he’s “at one with the bees” and in no danger of being stung.

We’d say that sounds crazy, but this is Morgan Freeman. Have you heard him explain Twerking? The guy can pretty much do and say anything he wants.

51 Hilarious Segments from The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon

