Gil Cuero Married At First Sight Net Worth and Salary

Publish date: 2021-03-23

Gil Cuero earns his salary through his profession as a bodybuilder. Gil is now a household name giving him the opportunity to earn in different ways. 

Following is the list of his current and potential sources of income.

1. Personal Trainer

Gil Cuero's salary is $285 per hour or around $12k monthly.

Cuero has been committed to his job in the bodybuilding world for a decade now. He has constantly said that it is more about his passion than money.

Even though he has worked with big companies in the past, it was never about big money but always quality work. 

The MAFS star started small and has come a long way in his profession. It was due to his hard work and dedication.

In Madrid, Spain, the average gross pay for personal trainers is 26.970 euros or 13 euros per hour.

This is 10% more ($2.416) than Spain's national average for personal trainer pay. Additionally, they receive a 413 € bonus on average.

He is expected to have gotten a similar amount as a Spanish local television's in-house personal trainer.

2. Brands

Gil's salary through brands will keep fluctuating with his popularity and their potential in the market.

Cuero says he is discussing his strategy with his PR team and considering all of his choices to choose the best course of action. Cuero stated that print marketing would be of interest to him.

He is curious about Instagram at the moment. If it's possible, he'd be doing commercials as well.

Anything that would be advantageous to him and assist him in setting up this platform would be welcome since he cared about some things he wanted to start up.

With his recent social media boom, it is high time he utilizes the star power wisely and takes enough advantage of it. 

3. Reality Shows

Gil recently gave an interview about how even reality shows have started to interest him after their popularity.

The shows that have interested him do pay people huge amounts. 

Cuero described himself as a "Z-list celebrity," but he claimed that if the reality show were a good fit for him, he would consider doing more of it.

He would participate in 'The Amazing Race.' He also enjoys 'Dancing With the Stars, and he thinks it is incredible since he loves dancing.

Cuero is willing to participate as long as the show doesn't focus on courting or marriage.
